Saturday, August 28, 2010

Stone Age

In the Stone age, people used sharpened or flintknapped stones, flakes, and chips of rock as weapons and tools. Such items remained in use throughout human civilization, with new materials used as time passed. As archaeological artifacts such objects are classed as projectile points.Such artifacts can be found all over the world. Archaeologically they are usually made of stone, primarily being flint, obsidian, or cherts; however in many excavations bone, wooden and metal arrowheads have been found.In August 2010, a report on stone point arrowheads dating back 64,000 years excavated from layers of ancient sediment in Sibudu Cave, South Africa, by a team of scientists from the University of the Witwatersrand, was published. Examinations led by a team from the University of Johannesburg found traces of blood and bone residues, and glue made from a plant-based resin that was used to fasten them on to a wooden shaft. According to the researchers, "Hunting with a bow and arrow requires intricate multi-staged planning, material collection and tool preparation and implies a range of innovative social and communication skills." The findings also indicated "cognitively demanding behavior" in humans sixty to seventy thousand years ago.


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